Free Gift Extension for Magento 2¶
Magento Free Gift extensions helps encourage more sales by offering free gifts to customers.
Using the Magento Free Gift extension will allow you to automatically give free products to your customers based on their product or service purchases.
Why Do You Need An Order Reminder?¶
Magento Free Gift extensions helps encourage more sales by offering free gifts to customers. Free gifts are a very powerful motivator when making sales. In fact, it has been shown that giving something for free can encourage more sales than just giving a discount - even if the discount is more than the value of the free gift. Nothing is more powerful than the word free!
Interested in Extension Installation ?
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Installation procedure
Download your extension package from the Download page after purchasing the extension.
Open the extension ZIP file you downloaded and extract it to a directory on your computer using a tool like WinRar, WinZIP or similar.
Upload the extracted folders and files into the root directory of your Magento installation. The root directory of Magento is the folder that contains the directories “app”, “bin”, “lib” and more. All folders should match the existing folder structure. If one of our extensions is already installed and you’re updating it, make sure to overwrite the existing files of the extension.
Connect via SSH and run the following commands (make sure to run them as the user who owns the Magento files!
php bin/magento module:enable –clear-static-content Extendware_Core
php bin/magento module:enable –clear-static-content Extendware_FreeGift
php bin/magento maintenance:enable
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento maintenance:disable
In case if you still do not see the extension active, Go to Admin -> System -> Cache Management and click both the ‘Flush Magento Cache’ as well as the ‘Flush Cache Storage’ button.
Woo-ha! You have successfully installed the extension and your store is ready to protect from spammers and bad bots.
You will find all extendware settings in Admin Panel → Extendware Menu
Free gift General Configuration¶
To configure the extension you need to go to Admin Panel → Extendware Menu → Extendware Free Gift → Configuration.
Enable Auto Add On - If Yes then free gift products will be added automatically when customers add regular products to cart.
Label - Admin can customize label messages from here, which will be displayed on cart page free gift popup.
Configure free gift rule¶
Admin can create free gift rules from magento cart rules From Admin Panel → Marketing → Cart Price Rules
Admin will have the option to select either if they want to give a gift product for all conditions or only if the customer purchases more then specific price. Admin can select either 1) To offer product or 2) To offer product per price range
Admin will option to select which gift product they want to give to the customer, if there is only one product then admin can add sku into Provide Free Product SKU or admin can select multiple products based on condition from Select free product
Here admin can add multiple SKU or product attribute base conditions to define free gift products. These products will be displayed on the cart page as a popup and customers select the product that they wanted for free.
Frontend view of free gift¶
On the frontend when a customer adds a product to card based on cart product free gift rule is activated and it will add free gift product to cart automatically.
On the frontend customer will have the option to select a free gift option. They can check the available free gift product list from the Get free gift button. When a customer clicks on the Get free gift button it will display the applied rule and Edit my choices button from where customer can select free gift products.
Free gift popup¶
On the free gift popup customer can see message which were configured in the admin and list of available products.
Customers can select products from the above popup for free and click on the validate button. The system will validate rules and product add free gifts to cart.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Support Magento 2.4.6-p2 with PHP8.2
Merged Luma and Hyva modules into one
Added the module to the Tailwind purge config
Fix Hyva compatibility issues
Fix deprecated methods to resolve code sniffer issues
Added composer support
Fix: Broken configuration page due to php error
Fix: Validate my gift(s) submission issue
Fix: Popup loads all the products if no condition applied to the cart rule
Added pagination to the popup load when the number of products exceeds the limit
First release