Extendware DeepL Translator Autosync for Magento 2

DeepL Translator Autosync

Introducing DeepL Translator Autosync, the latest extension for DeepL Translator that takes your translation experience to the next level. With DeepL Translator Autosync, we’ve added several powerful features that will streamline your translation workflow and make your e-commerce management more efficient. We adds few more features such as auto translate products, attributes, blocks, pages and categories when save.

Extendware’s DeepL Translator Auto sync Extends DeepL Translator to add the following features:

  • Translate all CLI, which translates Products, Categories, Pages, Blocks, and Attributes for all stores.

  • You can now add ALL to CLI to translate all the stores

  • Adds the cron feature and you can configure when to run

  • Add translation to products when mass action

Important Note: Please be aware that DeepL Translator Autosync is an extension designed to work seamlessly with the DeepL Translator extension and requires a valid DeepL API key.

Interested in Extension Installation Service?

Visit our installation service page https://www.extendware.com/magento-extension-installation-service.html for more information


Got questions? Feel free to contact us! Support Form.

Installation Procedure

Type 1: Zip file

  • Download your extension package from the Download page after purchasing the extension.

  • Open the extension ZIP file you downloaded and extract it to a directory on your computer using a tool like WinRar, WinZIP or similar.

  • Upload the extracted files to the app/code/Extendware directory in your Magento installation, maintaining the folder structure. If updating, overwrite the existing files.

  • Connect via SSH and run the following commands (make sure to run them as the user who owns the Magento files!

    php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Extendware_Core
    php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Extendware_DeeplTranslatorAutosync
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Configuration in your Magento store

Configuration in your Magento store

  • Auto Sync Enable/Disabled (For Show All Translate Button and MassAction Option)

  • Cron Enabled/Disabled

  • Enabled Auto Sync For (Products, categories, Static Blocks, and CMS Pages)

  • Cron Frequency (Schedule when to run)


Config Setting (Store -> Configuration -> Extendware -> Deepl Translator)

  • User can enable Auto Sync in order to allow translation when clicking on save for Products, categories, Static Blocks, and CMS Pages. And also allows MassAction for Products, Static Blocks, and CMS Pages.

  • User can enable Cron in order to allow the cron job to run

  • User can select any section for auto-synchronization translation from store configuration. Also, users can enable specific products and categories for auto-synchronization translation by using attributes. But Static Block and CMS page are used to store configuration value.

  • User can configure Cron schedule to choose how frequently to run the

Product Translation

Product Page Attribute

Product MassAction

Category Translate:

Product and Category Page Attribute

Page Translate:

CMS Page Attribute

CMS Page MassAction

Block Translate:

Static Block Attribute

Static Block MassAction

Using CommandLine:

    bin/magento extendware_deepltranslator:translate:all


All notable changes to this project will be documented here.



  • Fix: Issue where an error occurs if page_id or block_id does not exist.



  • Adobe Commerce Cloud support



  • DeepL Main Dry mode support



- Fix: Source store retranslation issue and reduce message queue process



- Fix: Translation date issue to avoid the retranslation



- Fix: CMS page edit issue on PHP 8.2



  • Fix: Fix the version constraint from composer



- Fix: PHP 8.2 Deprecated Functionality



- Fix: Translation for Block page



- Fix: Translation Identifier in CMS Page



- Fix: Product and category innvalid formkey issue
- Fix: Infinite  API request issue 
- Fix: Auto cron time issue



- Fix: CMS Pages and Static block translate button issue



- Fix: CMS Pages and Static block main Store issue



- Fix: construct param update for product



- Fix: Update translatation date code for All store
- Fix: Changed translatation date timezone formate



- Fix: Product and Category page main store translatation date issue



- Fix: Update Store Configuration comments



- Fix: Compilation issues with Php8.1
- Fix: MassAction and Cron translation
- Fix: Translation Date time on Products, categories, Static Blocks and CMS Pages


- Support Magento 2.4.6 with PHP8.1
- Added Auto Translation synchronization for Products, categories, Static Blocks and CMS Pages
- Improve Configuration for Auto synchronization
- Provide Auto synchronization based on specific products and categories
- Improve Translation speed by using Message Queue for MassAction



- Include composer
- Support Magento 2.4.5



- First release